Saturday, June 19, 2010

Parallels of struggle

Here is a recent video from one of my favorite bands (As I Lay Dying)...I apologize if you don't like really heavy music but I think they helpfully wrestle with the parallel lives of hopelessness that we struggle to be set free from. Below you will see the lyrics.


we are all comatose

we are over fed and undernourished

yearning for something more

never starving yet never quite satisfied

carnal but without useful flesh or mind

i am a walking contradiction

that's found consistency

consuming everything

all without producing sustenance

in the parallels we struggle to upkeep

there is a better way for us to be set free

from all it is we crave

there must be more to life than to simply stay alive

we are not the same as i hope to show

there is a better way if we just let go

we are not the same... let go

in the tension between devouring want or simple need

it's clear the only lines between ones we preserve

we are not the same as i hope to show

there is a better way if we just let go

we are not the same... let go

in the parallels we struggle to upkeep

there is a better way for us to be set free